
Whether you are looking to buy or sell a pneumatic roller, Truck & Trailer is the place to be. Our dynamic digital platform is the perfect platform for buyers and sellers, with more than 250 000 nationwide monthly website visits and various listing options. No matter where you reside in South Africa, purchase or sell a pneumatic roller through our platform or at one of our monthly timed online auctions.

Truck & Trailer provide sellers with dynamic ways of sourcing machinery and equipment and ensure buyers target the right audience.

In this article, we focus on what a pneumatic roller is, what it is used for, how it operates, and how to find, buy, and sell one on Truck & Trailer.

How to Buy or Sell a Pneumatic Roller with Truck & Trailer

What is a Pneumatic Roller and what are they used for?

A pneumatic roller, also referred to as the rubber-tire roller, is a commonly used compaction machine designed with an operator cabin mounted on a front and rear axle. The front and rear axle each have identically smooth rubber tires, with the front axle containing one wheel less than the rear. A pneumatic roller consists of six to nine tyres depending on the type and model, which are straddled in pairs and allow sufficient fluctuation, enabling the kneading and sealing effect that is required. This compactor is designed intelligently with pressure and weight-adjustable tires, which means that there is no input needed from the operator. A pneumatic roller works as a roller instead of a standard drum and has an average weight that varies from 10 to 35 tons.

With rubber tires that provide area coverage of around 80%, a pneumatic roller can be useful to achieve accurate compacting of material, like asphalt and soil. This type of compactor is commonly used by contractors at a phase in paving for the compaction of bituminous cold mixes, loosely layered soil as well as on graded sands and cohesive soil.

## How is a Pneumatic Roller operated? Unlike other types of compaction rollers, a pneumatic roller is designed to adapt to the surface and material being paved. As the pneumatic roller operates, the front rubber tires furrow through the material and the rear runner tires counter furrow, densifying and stiffing the material. Thanks to the unique design of the pneumatic roller’s axles, this compactor is able to effortlessly contour a terrain and achieve consistency of compaction density across a surface, extremely useful in patching potholes. Pneumatic rollers are also used to test the condition of compaction of different materials on a construction site. The compactor is used to exert force on materials by moving back and forth over an area to see if the material holds or deforms.

How to find a Pneumatic Roller on Truck & Trailer

With over 13 000 adverts currently listed on our platform, we have structured easy-to-use tools to assist buyers and sellers receive accurate listing results.

There and many methods of searching for a pneumatic roller on Truck & Trailer. First, once on the Truck & Trailer home page, locate the search box, select ‘Machinery’. In the ‘Category’ tab, select ‘Rollers’ in the dropdown. The search box provides further options to assist in refining your search if need be. You will then be redirected to a webpage with the most relevant listings according to the options chosen in the previous step. The listings page further provides a buyer with options such as price, region, and condition to narrow down the search for your next pneumatic roller and tailor the best results for you.

The second search option is by selecting ‘Machinery’ on the homepage header. You will be redirected to a page showcasing all the Machinery sales options in South Africa currently listed on Truck & Trailer. Once you have inputted ‘Rollers’ or ‘Pneumatic Roller’ into the search, you will be redirected to a webpage with available listings catered to your criteria.

## How to buy a used Pneumatic Roller Truck & Trailer aims to ensure that your buyer’s journey is quick and easy. Our sellers follow a guide that ensures that each listing highlights exactly what buyers are looking for so you don’t have to dig too deep for the information you want. Once you have located the pneumatic roller you want to purchase, simply get in touch with the buyer for more images on the compactor or request an in-person inspection via the available contact details on the listing or chat to the dealer on WhatsApp.
### Extra things to check when buying a Pneumatic Roller There are several things to consider before adding a pneumatic roller to your construction fleet. It is crucial to establish the types of material you will be making use of as well as the density target. Establish whether the machine weight, size, and functionality would best suit your construction needs. Ensure operator comfortability, a comfortable operator tends to be a more productive operator Ensure an in-person inspection is conducted and elements such as the tires, hydraulic systems, operator cabin and exterior of the machine are of good condition.

How to sell a Pneumatic Roller on Truck & Trailer

If you are a dealership or independent seller looking to sell A pneumatic roller, Truck & Trailer is the platform for you. We offer feasible, leading digital solutions to support the sale of your pneumatic roller.

Get started on your sale by registering for a dealer account. Contact us and a skilled Truck & Trailer executive will be in touch to aid you in the best ways to make your sale a success. Once your dealer account has been set up, follow the step-by-step guidelines provided by Truck & Trailer to ensure your advert reaches an accurate audience and watch as sales leads grow.

Buy or sell a pneumatic roller on Truck & Trailer Today!

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