Are you applying for a professional driving permit? These documents form an important part of transportation businesses. A driving permit is required to operate heavy-duty vehicles and buses on public roads. Set your business up for success by finding reliable trucks for sale on Truck & Trailer.
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If you have a business that transports goods or people, the staff operating your vehicles will need to have a professional driving permit. This permit is also required for the transportation of dangerous goods. A driver’s licence is required in addition to the permit. The owner of the vehicle cannot allow anyone to drive their vehicle on a public road without the necessary permit.
Age restrictions
Drivers must be over the age of 18 to obtain a permit for a goods vehicle and over the age of 21 to obtain a permit for a passenger vehicle. A minimum age of 25 years is applicable to obtain permits for dangerous-goods vehicles.
To be eligible for a driving permit, you’ll need to have a driver’s licence for the specific vehicle you’re using. You’ll also need your physical health to be verified by a doctor. If you’re operating a dangerous-goods vehicle, training by a certified institute is mandatory. License suspensions and criminal records will disqualify you from obtaining a permit.
How to obtain a driver’s permit
Visit a driving licence testing centre in your area and fill out the application forms. Relevant forms include the application for a professional driving permit as well as the medical certificate application form. You’ll need to take along identification in the form of your driving licence, passport or ID. Four photographs also need to be submitted as part of your application.
Take along the driving licence for the vehicle that you’ll be operating as well as a medical certificate. You’ll also need to provide proof of address in the form of a utility bill. Check how much the permit costs before you visit the centre and bring cash with on the day to cover the fee. You can expect to complete an eye test at the centre.
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Next, you’ll be required to visit the police station to obtain a conviction report, which comes at an additional cost. You’ll be notified when your permit card has been prepared and you can collect it by visiting the centre and presenting them with your ID. You can expect your permit to be available within 12 weeks.
Code 14 licences
If you’re operating heavy-duty vehicles, you’ll need a code 14 license. A code 14 license enables you to drive a vehicle with a weight over 16 000kg. This type of licence enables you to operate code 8 and 10 vehicles on public roads. To pass this licence, you’ll need knowledge of the K53 curriculum, which includes information about related rules and procedures.
It’s also essential to understanding how to use the HMV’s controls to operate the vehicle in different weather conditions. During the examination, you can expect to do a pre-trip inspection, which demonstrates that your vehicle is roadworthy. A practical road test is conducted to assess your driving skills and a yard test checks your parking capabilities.
Now that you know the requirements for obtaining a driving permit, you can submit the application that is required to operate heavy-duty vehicles on public roads. Enjoy great savings when you find trucks for sale on Truck & Trailer .